About Melitrade a.s.
Melitrade a.s. is currently a major Czech manufacturer and supplier of paper hygiene products, a moisturized hygiene programme, cotton products, candles, AFH (industrial paper programme), children's products and other related goods. Our products have become an integral part of families in Central and Eastern Europe.
Melitrade a.s. is one of the major suppliers to retail chains which sell the products under their own brand names. We are very pleased to say that since we started our operations Melitrade a.s. has become one of the main suppliers on the European market, especially in the segment of wet wipes and paper handkerchiefs in a box.
Currently, Melitrade a.s. owns two other brands: Onclé and Niteola.
Our company’s vision
We are constantly working to ensure that Linteo brand products bring the best in terms of personal hygiene to make everyday life easier for all our customers. We want to give them high-quality care together with premium quality products, ones that they can trust and rely on anytime, anywhere.
Linteo is a traditional Czech brand that respects its employees and partners and together we bring the very the best from our industry.